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ご予約ない場合の平均待ち時間は約60分です。 - 各時間帯とも30分前に受付は終了します。
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北千住クリニック院長 森岡大地
当院では主に粉瘤、脂肪腫などの皮膚皮下腫瘍摘出のほか、巻き爪、わきが、眼瞼下垂などの形成外科日帰り手術、刺青切除、重瞼術などの美容外科を行っています。 開院以来、「総合病院を紹介されたが入院もしたくない。できれば全身麻酔も避けたい」という多くの患者さまが当院を探し当てて来られます。 ここ数年は足立区のみならず、葛飾区、荒川区、千葉県、埼玉県内の皮膚科、外科医院からご紹介いただけるようになりました。 一部の難症例を除き、ほとんどの場合は当院で局所麻酔下での外来手術が可能です。形成外科手術は「正解」がいくつもあります。 例えば1つの「できもの」を取るにも複数の方法があり、「やっぱり取らない」という選択もあります。患者様にはそれぞれの長短を説明し、ご理解いただいたうえで治療法を選んでいただきます。
北千住クリニック院長 森岡大地(昭和大学形成外科客員教授)
In 2012, I established a plastic surgery clinic near the East Exit of Kitasenju Station, and we are now approaching our 13th year. Initially, I worked part-time at the clinic while serving as an associate professor in the Department of Plastic Surgery at Showa University Hospital. However, in April 2019, after being appointed as a visiting professor, I transitioned to part-time university work and expanded my clinic hours. In 2022, the clinic was incorporated, and I named the medical corporation "Eiten-kai" by taking one character each from the names of my late father and younger brother.
We primarily perform outpatient surgeries for skin and subcutaneous tumors such as epidermoid cysts and lipomas, as well as procedures for ingrown toenails, ptosis, tattoo removal, and double eyelid surgery. Since opening, we have welcomed many patients who, after being referred to general hospitals, sought alternatives that did not require hospitalization or general anesthesia. In recent years, we have received referrals not only from dermatology and surgical clinics in Adachi Ward but also from Katsushika, Arakawa, and neighboring Chiba and Saitama. In most cases, excluding particularly complex cases, outpatient procedures can be performed under local anesthesia at our clinic.
Plastic surgery often offers multiple treatment options. For example, there are various ways to remove a single lesion, and sometimes the best option is to leave it untreated. We carefully explain the pros and cons of each option to our patients and ensure they choose a treatment method that aligns with their preferences and understanding.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we no longer have young surgeons dispatched from university departments. As a result, I now handle nearly all the clinical work myself. While the clinic no longer functions as a training institution, our core principle remains unchanged: providing university hospital-level care without the complex procedures typical of large hospitals.
My lifelong commitment to international medical volunteer work in developing and conflict-affected countries continues. I take approximately five to six one-week trips annually for this purpose, during which the clinic is temporarily closed. I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Lastly, this website is written in simple and accessible language, occasionally with a touch of humor, to ensure it is easy to understand for people of all ages. However, some clinical photos may be graphic, so please refrain from clicking if you are sensitive to such images.
Daichi Morioka M.D., Ph.D. (Visiting Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Showa University)